Structural Engineer
DESMAN Associates
Design Build Contractor
Downes Construction Company
Hartford Hospital Real Estate Corporation
PCI-Certified Precaster
Unistress Corporation
Precast Specialty Engineer
Simpson Gumpertz & HegerKey Project Attributes
- Project was erected in just over 4 months
- Use of precast for long span cladding
- The cladding design became a channel for water and mitigated unsightly streaking
- Precast’s versatility allowed for unique shapes to be created with multiple colors and finishes in different parts of the structure
- 100% naturally ventilated
Project/Precast Scope
- 448,335 square feet
- Nine-stories, 1250 spaces
- Four-month precast erection time
- 1318 precast pieces including: double tees, slabs, stairs, walls, light walls, shear walls, beams, columns, and architectural spandrels.