Proj Overview

Project Overview

Dollar General wanted something different for its facility, which also serves as a hub for more than 600 employees. They wanted a space where employees felt valued and connected to the Dollar General brand. Metromont Corporation came up with a unique idea – create a facade that represents what the employees do. Metromont created a custom formliner replicating an enlarged tire tread pattern that could be embedded into each of the facade’s precast concrete panels. The formliner allowed endless design possibilities not possible with other construction methodologies.

The treads run up the entire facade of the employee hub, creating differentiation and ownership for this portion of the building.

Precast Solution

Designers used architectural precast concrete panels with a unique pattern to represent what the employees do. The panels were designed to be load-bearing walls that resist in-plane wind and seismic loads while providing a distinctive look.

The precaster created a custom formliner replicating an enlarged tire-tread pattern that could be embedded into each panel. The formliner was reusable, reducing costs while creating a distinctive appearance.

The treads cover the entire façade of the employee hub, creating differentiation and ownership of this portion of the building while reinforcing a symbolic authority of the architecture.


2013 PCI Design AwardsDesign Award Building: Best Warehouse/Storage/Distribution Center
Project Team


Leo A Daly, Minneapolis, Minn.


Leo A Daly, Minneapolis, Minn.

General Contractor

Clayco Construction, St. Louis, Mo.


Dollar General, Goodlettsville, Tenn.


Metromont Corporation, Hiram, Ga.

Precast Specialty Engineer

Architectural Polymers, Palmerton, Pa.

Key Project Attributes

  • Fabricating the precast concrete components under controlled conditions in the plant ensured high quality and tight tolerances, minimizing field adjustments and speeding up erection time.
  • Casting components off-site while site work was completed allowed precast concrete pieces to be ready for erection as soon as foundations were ready, speeding up construction.
  • Precast concrete’s aesthetic versatility provided a distinctive, customized look with formliners that related to the employee’s activities.
  • Reusable formliners cut costs on casting while boosting aesthetics.
  • Pattern was linked from panel to panel to create seamless design around the building.

Project/Precast Scope

  • 960,000-square-foot distribution warehouse with attached employee hub.
  • Hub includes locker rooms, restrooms, large vending aera, 20 glass-fronted commercial-grade refrigerators, 600-person cafeteria, and an elevated sky bridge.
  • 450 load-bearing panels.
  • Typical panels were 13’6” wide by 47 feet tall, with some smaller and larger widths and heights as needed.