Proj Overview

Project Overview

Situated on the periphery of a transitional space between a rural area and a sprawling urban setting, Hudson Medical Office Building is a shining example of the capabilities of precast concrete products. The 160,000 ft² facility provides state-of-the-art healthcare to communities in its vicinity. The design team originally considered conventional structural steel and metal stud construction for the work, but they quickly realized those materials would not meet the project’s tight timeline for occupancy. Therefore, the team chose a total-precast-concrete solution, including architectural insulated exterior wall panels, double-tee floors and roof, hollow-core beams, columns, and stairs.

Precast Concrete Does it All

By leveraging precast concrete products for both structural and architectural materials, the entire project timeline could be accelerated while the business process was simplified. The use of precast concrete also minimized the number of contractors on the worksite at one time, which streamlined coordination between the trades.

On the exterior of the facility, a wide variety of finishing techniques were employed to create a mixed-materials look and break up the visual scale of the large building. When Wells of Albany, Minn., poured products, they used multiple formliners to create the finishes, and the team partnered with specialty contractor Nawkaw to use a gray stain that creates the appearance of metal panels. The building design also pays homage to the surrounding area. For example, some of the architectural panels feature a baking-soda finish to mimic limestone blocks commonly found in architecture of the region. Additionally, wood-simulated elements evoke the area’s forest landscapes.

A slew of Innovative approaches inside the building ensure that the structure can house the medical equipment needed to provide world-class patient care. One important requirement of the project was the inclusion of zero-vibration rooms to accommodate sensitive equipment, such as MRI machines. To meet that requirement, designated areas were reinforced with structural precast concrete elements. This design not only enhances stability inside the specified rooms but also mitigates any vibrations that could potentially interfere with the performance of the equipment.

Sustainability was also a major consideration in the design of the Hudson Medical Office Building. Because of the extensive use of precast concrete products, the structure boasts a high thermal mass, which reduces the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling as external temperatures fluctuate through the seasons. Additionally, the building is expected to have a long service life due to precast concrete’s durability and resilience, and that means the medical facility can serve the nearby communities for decades to come.

Mason Nichols is a Grand Rapids, Mich.-based writer and editor who has covered the precast concrete industry since 2013.


2024 PCI Design AwardsAll-Precast Concrete Solution Honorable Mention
Project Team


Hudson Physicians

PCI-Certified Precast Concrete Producer and Precast Concrete Specialty Engineer:

Wells, Albany, Minn.

Architect and General Contractor:

Amcon Construction Company, Minnetonka, Minn.

Engineer of Record:

Innovative Structural Solutions P.A., Albertville, Minn.

PCI-Certified Erector:

Wells, Maple Grove, Minn.

Project Cost:

$50 million ($6.85 million for the precast concrete)

Project Size:

160,000 ft²

Key Project Attributes

  • The project team converted a structural steel and metal stud design to an all-precast-concrete solution, enhancing efficiency and expediting the construction timeline.
  • Designers leveraged a wide variety of formliners and finishes to seamlessly blend modern design motifs and references to the site’s native landscape.
  • Structural precast concrete products were used in the interior of the facility to help meet the zero-vibration requirements of spaces that house sensitive medical equipment.

Project/Precast Scope

  • The three-story Hudson Medical Office Building has an area of 160,000 ft².
  • The $50 million project included nearly $7 million of precast concrete products, including architectural precast concrete wall panels, double tees, hollow-core components, stairs, and more.
  • Precast concrete erection took place over three months, from January 2022 to April 2022. The project was completed in January 2023.