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Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques using precast concrete elements help reduce construction time for new or existing bridges compared to conventional methods. Precast is fabricated in PCI-certified plants under controlled environmental conditions and off the critical project path. Higher quality precast concrete reduces maintenance and extends life span, which will reduce the life cycle cost of the structure. The use of precast elements such as pier caps, pier columns, abutments, wing walls, and precast footings will reduce bridge schedules, minimize traffic, and onset construction activities.

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Featured Projects

I-90 Acceler-8 MassDOT Bundled Bridges

Worcester County, MA

I-84 Bridges Over Marion Avenue

Southington, CT

Oil Mill Road Bridge

Waterford, CT

Sand Hill Bridge

Middlebury, VT

Recommended Publications

PCI Periodicals

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Journal Logo

Lime Kiln Bridge (ASPIRE)
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